IAC Announces Launch of Adult Congenital Transthoracic Echocardiography Accreditation - IAC

IAC Announces Launch of Adult Congenital Transthoracic Echocardiography Accreditation

Updated Standards and Application Now Available

FEBRUARY 2023 | Recognizing the critical role of facilities providing care to patients with congenital heart disease who transition their care from pediatric cardiology to adult cardiology services, IAC is pleased to announce the release of several updates to the IAC Standards & Guidelines for Adult Echocardiography Accreditation applicable to the availability of a new testing area, Adult Congenital Transthoracic Echocardiography.

As an accreditation organization, IAC Echocardiography is committed to maintaining a program that balances the changing needs of both the echocardiography community and the general public by influencing the quality of patient care provided. In collaboration with the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA) and IAC Echocardiography sponsoring organizations, quality and safety Standards have been developed for Adult Congenital Transthoracic Echocardiography.

The Standards have been established to provide guidance in training and experience, protocol development and resources needed to perform and interpret echocardiograms on patients with complex, congenital heart disease.

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By achieving Adult Congenital Transthoracic accreditation, facilities will demonstrate their commitment to high quality, specialized diagnostic imaging, to patients and referring physicians.

The following are the specific areas of adult echocardiography for which accreditation may be obtained:

  • Adult Transthoracic
  • Adult Stress*
  • Adult Transesophageal*
  • Adult Congenital Transthoracic*

*Must be currently accredited by IAC in adult transthoracic echocardiography to apply.

For complete details and requirements on adding a testing area to an existing IAC accreditation, click here.

IAC Echocardiography is widely respected in the field of echocardiography as illustrated by the support of several national medical societies who each serve as a sponsoring organization, including the ACHA.

“As a long standing member of the medical advisory board of the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA), I am excited to see the new Adult Congenital Transthoracic accreditation guidelines. This is another great step forward to help ensure that adult congenital heart disease patients across the country have access to high standard, accessible, comprehensive imaging.”

Michael G. Earing, MD, MS Healthcare Management
Member of IAC Echocardiography Board of Directors, Representing ACHA / Medical Director of the Chicago Adult Congenital Heart Disease Alliance
Read Dr. Earing’s Full Bio