The IAC will offer accreditation to international facilities in its diagnostic imaging (vascular testing, echocardiography, nuclear cardiology/PET/general nuclear medicine, MRI, diagnostic CT and dental CT) as well as its interventional (carotid stenting, vein center/vascular interventional, cardiac electrophysiology and cardiovascular catheterization) programs. Accreditation decisions rendered to international applicant facilities will be made in accordance with the existing IAC Accreditation Program Policies & Procedures, inclusive of the review of submitted applications, representative case studies and, when applicable, recommendations by site visitors. The application and all corresponding documents required for accreditation will be solely issued and accepted in English.

Accreditation Programs Offered Internationally
- Vascular Testing
- Echocardiography
- Nuclear/PET
- CT / Dental
- Carotid Stenting
- Vein Center
- Cardiac Electrophysiology
- Cardiovascular Catheterization

Featured International Facility: John Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
- One of the first facilities beyond the U.S. and Canada to earn IAC accreditation.
- The pursuit of IAC accreditation provided an ideal method for JHAH to document their clinical excellence in echocardiography and aligns with the innovative, integrated and patient-center care they strive to provide to Saudi Aramco’s employees and health care beneficiaries.
- “We are very proud of achieving IAC accreditation in Echocardiography. This formal assessment from an internationally recognized committee is a testament to the quality of the echocardiography service here at JHAH."
— Eric McWilliams, MD, Chief of Cardiology Division Heart and Vascular Institute | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare