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Vascular Testing Accreditation Checklist

The complete IAC Vascular Testing accreditation checklist detailing the requirements to earn accreditation. The document includes required policies, protocols and case studies. To learn more about the Vascular Testing accreditation program, visit  

IAC Vascular Testing Diagnostic Criteria References

These diagnostic criteria references serve as example references only. Inclusion on the website does not imply any endorsement of these criteria by the IAC Vascular Testing Board of Directors or staff, nor does the IAC take any position with regards to the materials presented. Furthermore, inclusion does not indicate that these criteria comply with accreditation requirements. Individual members are responsible for validating the diagnostic criteria specific to their own vascular laboratories.

IAC Vascular Testing White Paper on Carotid Stenosis Interpretation Criteria

Through its ongoing evaluation of application data submitted since 1991 as well as feedback collected through surveys of participating facilities on this topic, IAC Vascular Testing (formerly ICAVL) is aware that there is significant inconsistency related to the use of internal carotid artery (ICA) diagnostic criteria. Patients with the same degree of carotid artery disease may have different interpretations and potentially different recommendations for management from different accredited facilities.