Protocol for Performing Lower Extremity Reflux Examinations for Venous Insufficiency (Vascular Testing)
Sample protocol for Performing Lower Extremity Reflux Examinations for Venous Insufficiency.
Sample protocol for Performing Lower Extremity Reflux Examinations for Venous Insufficiency.
The IAC Standards & Guidelines for Vascular Testing Accreditation are the minimum Standards for facilities to acquire or maintain accreditation. In addition to all vascular testing Standards listed, all applicant facilities and staff must comply … Read More
Sample protocol for TCD Emboli Detection.
Sample protocol for Non-Imaging TCD.
IAC Vascular Testing recommends the use of these modified criteria for carotid interpretation at this time. Broad acceptance of this recommendation will enhance the accuracy of the detection of clinically-relevant ICA stenosis and further reduce the variability in grading of ICA stenosis on duplex studies by IAC-accredited vascular labs.