The following manuscripts have been published in multiple peer review journals:
Recently Published
- New! Variation in Carotid Artery Stenosis Measurements Among Facilities Seeking Carotid Stenting Facility Accreditation. Jareczek F, Farrell M, Lehman E, Sila C, Terry J, Sacks D, Kalapos P, Simon S, Cockroft K. Stroke, 2023;54(6):1578-1586.
- New! Reexamining Compliance with Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy Guidelines: An Updated Analysis of the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Tafti D, Farrell MB, Dearborn MC, Banks KP. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, June 2023; 51(4).
- Usefulness of the IAC Quality Improvement (QI) Self-Assessment Tool at One Year. Lally M, Vermeiren F, Farrell M. Quality Management in Healthcare, 2019; 28(3):163-168.
- How Do Noninvasive Imaging Facilities Perceive the Accreditation Process? Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Survey. Manning, WJ, Farrell, MB, Bezold, LI, Choi, JY, Cockroft, KM, Gornik, HL, Jerome, SD, Katanick, SL and Heller, GV. Clinical Cardiology, June 2015; 38(7):401-406.
Nuclear/PET & Echocardiography
- The Association of Imaging Equipment Vintage with Other Quality Metrics and Successful Laboratory Accreditation by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission. Malhotra S, Farrell MB, Katz W, Soman P. Echocardiography, September 2019; 36(9):1615-1624.
- Variation in Additional Testing and Patient Outcomes After Stress Echocardiography or Myocardial Perfusion Imaging, According to Accreditation Status of Testing Site. Shah JN, Murray KM, Lucas FL, Fairfield KM, Cohen MC. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2020.
Carotid Stenting
- Snapshot of Current Carotid Artery Stenting Practice and Accreditation in the USA. Sacks D, Farrell MB, Katzen BT, et al. BMJ Open Quality, 2019;8:e000671. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2019-000671.
Vascular Testing
- Accreditation is Perceived to Improve the Quality of Vascular Testing Facilities. Brinza EK, Zhu LJ, Lilly M, Manning WJ, Needleman L, Gornik HL. Journal for Vascular Ultrasound, June 2016; 40(2):63-69.
- Accreditation Status and Geographic Location of Outpatient Vascular Testing Facilities Among Medicare Beneficiaries: The VALUE (Vascular Accreditation, Location & Utilization Evaluation) Study. Rundek T, Brown SC, Wang K, Dong C, Farrell MB, Heller GV, Gornik H, Hutchisson M, Needleman L, Benenati JF, Jaff MR, Meier GH, Perese S, Bendick P, Hamburg NM, Lohr JM, LaPerna L, Leers SA, Lilly MP, Tegeler C, Alexandrov AV, Katanick SL. Vascular Medicine,Oct. 2014; 19(5):376-384, first published on September 1, 2014.
- Accreditation Status of Outpatient Cerebrovascular Testing Facilities Among Medicare Beneficiaries: The VALUE (Vascular Accreditation, Location & Utilization Evaluation) Study. Brown S, Wang K, Dong C, Farrell M, Heller G, Gornik H, et al. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, July 2016; 35(9):1957-65. DOI: 10.7863/ultra.15.08021.
- Assessing the Quality of Vascular Ultrasound Examinations Using the IAC QI Self-Assessment Tool: Inter-rater and Intra-rater Agreement Between Vascular Technologists and Interpreting Physicians. Bajwa B, Esterson Y, Naidich J, et al. J Vasc Ultrasound, 2022;0(0).
- Characteristics of Accredited Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound Laboratories in the United States. Farrell MB, Choi JY, Ziu E, Cockroft KM. Journal of Neuroimaging, Dec. 2016; 27(2):210-216.
- Characteristics and Accreditation Problems of Vascular Testing Facilities Applying for Accreditation by Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC). Farrell M, Hutchisson M, Gornik H. J Vasc Ultrasound, 2018; 42:36-39.
- How Do Noninvasive Imaging Facilities Perceive the Accreditation Process? Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Survey. Manning, WJ, Farrell, MB, Bezold, LI, Choi, JY, Cockroft, KM, Gornik, HL, Jerome, SD, Katanick, SL and Heller, GV. Clinical Cardiology, June 2015; 38(7):401-406. DOI: 10.1002/clc.22408
- Reason for Delay of Accreditation for Vascular Testing Laboratories Applying for Accreditation by Intersocietal Accreditation Commission. Farrell M, Hutchisson M, Lilly M, Vickery M, Gornik H. J Vasc Ultrasound, August 2018; 42(3):116-119
- Variation in Ultrasound Diagnostic Thresholds for Carotid Stenosis in the United States. Columbo JA, Zwolak RM, Arous EJ, Goodney PP, Lilly MP, Welch HG. Circulation, January 2020;0(0).
- Accreditation is Perceived to Improve Echocardiography Laboratory Quality: Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Survey. Lopez L, Farrell MB, Choi JY, Cockroft KM, Gornik HL, Heller GV, Jerome SD, Katanick SL, Manning WJ, Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, May 2017; 33(3):163-171.
- Accreditation Status and Geographic Location of Outpatient Echocardiographic Testing Facilities Among Medicare Beneficiaries: The VALUE‐ECHO Study. Brown SC, Wang K, Dong C, Yi L, Gutierrez C, DiTullio MR, et al. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, Aug 2017; 37(2):397-402.
- Association Between the Quality of Echocardiography Imaging and Reporting According to Laboratory Accreditation Status. Thaden JJ, Tsang MY, Ayoub C, Padang R, Nkomo V, Tucker SF, et al. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, Aug 2017; 10(8):pii:e006140.
- Credentials of Professionals Performing Echocardiography: Insights From the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Echocardiography Database. Parker MW, Sobieraj DM, Coleman CI, Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Nov 2016; 33(2):91-99
- Exploring the Benefits of System-Wide Echocardiography Accreditation. Kushman A, Rambukwella M, Price C, Ellis J, Sethi K, Chilingerian J, Cohen M. The American Medical Student Research Journal, 2020; 7(1).
- Impact of Accreditation on Quality in Echocardiograms: A Quantitative Approach. Behera SK, Smith SN, Tacy TA. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Sept 2017; 30(9):913-922
- Impact of Fetal Echocardiography Comprehensiveness on Diagnostic Accuracy. Behera S, Ding V, Chung S, Tacy T. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, March 2022; published online.
- Predictors of Delayed Accreditation of Echocardiography Laboratories: An Analysis of the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Nagueh SF, Farrell MB, Bremer ML, Dunsiger SI, Gorman BL, Tilkemeier PL. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Sept 2015; 28(9):1062-1069. DOI: 10.1016/j.echo.2015.05.00.
- Relationship of Sonographer Credentialing to Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Echocardiography Case Study Image Quality. Bremer, M. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, Jan 2016; 29(1):43-48.
- System-Wide Echocardiography Accreditation: Physician Perceptions and Concerns. Pockros B, Balamurugan A, Radparvar J, Chilingerian JA, Cohen M. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. February 2020;33(2)255-256.
- The Impact of IAC-Echo Accreditation and Reaccreditation on Major and Minor Diagnostic Errors in Transthoracic Echocardiogram Interpretation: A Single Center Study. Yang J, Quinn G, Mechanic O, Neisius U, Tsao C, Markson L, Manning W. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, October 2019; 12(10):2090-2092.
- Compliance with Gastric-Emptying Scintigraphy Guidelines: A Report from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Farrell MB, Costello M, McKee JD, Gordon LL, Fig LM. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, March 2017; 45(1):6-13. doi:10.2967/jnmt.116.184473
- Current Status of Patient Radiation Exposure of Cardiac SPECT and PET Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: A Report of the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Desiderio MC, Lundbye L, Baker WL, Farrell MB Heller GV. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, Dec. 2018; 11(12):e007565.
- Diuretic Renal Scintigraphy: The State of Practice and a Potential Opportunity for Standardization. Banks K, Farrell MB, Peacock J, Costello M, Gordon L. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 2021.
- Facility Perception of Nuclear Cardiology Accreditation: Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Survey. Jerome SD, Farrell MB, Godiwala T, Heller GV, Bezold LI, Choi JY, Cockroft KM, Gornik HL, Katanick SL, Manning WJ. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, Jun 2015; 2 2(3):496-503. DOI: 10.1007/s12350-014-0011-5.
- Impact of Nuclear Laboratory Staff Credentials & Continuing Education on Nuclear Cardiology Laboratory Quality Operations. Malhotra S, Sobieraj DM, Mann A, Parker M. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, March 2018; 46(1):53-58.
- Improving Compliance with Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Reporting Standards: A Serial Comparison of 523 Labs Over Seven Years. Maddux PT, Farrell MB, Ewing JA, Tilkemeier PT. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, December 2018; 25(6):2044-2052.
- Improved Compliance with Reporting Standards: A Retrospective Analysis of Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Nuclear Cardiology Laboratories. Maddux PT, Farrell MB, Ewing JA, Tilkemeier PT. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, June 2018; 25(3):986-994.
- Nationwide Laboratory Adherence to Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Radiation Dose Reduction Practices: A Report From the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Data Repository. Jerome SD, Tilkemeier PL, Farrell MB, Shaw LJ. JACC Cardiovascular Imaging, Oct 2015; 8(10):1170-1176. DOI:10.1016/j.jcmg.2015.07.008.
- Role of Reference Levels in Nuclear Medicine: A Report of the SNMMI Dose Optimization Task Force. Alessio A, Farrell MB, Fahey. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Dec 2015; 56(12):1960-1964. doi:10.2967/jnumed.115.160861. First published September 24, 2015.
- U.S. Diagnostic Reference Levels and Achievable Administered Activities for Adult Renal Scintigraphy: An Analysis of the Intersocietal Accreditation Committee Nuclear Laboratories. Banks K, Gunther R, Farrell M, Peacock J, Costello, Gordon L. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 2021.
- Editorial: Do ENT Outpatient Computed Tomography Facilities Perceive Accreditation as Valuable? Farrell MB, Zhao A, Heller G, Setzen G. Ear Nose & Throat Journal, Sept 2016; 95(9):364-67. DOI: 10.7863/ultra.15.08021.
- Radiation Dose Awareness and Reduction: A Survey of Intersocietal Accreditation Commission CT Facilities to Assess the Effect of Accreditation. Farrell M, Setzen G, Lally M, Merrill N, Pizzutiello R, Choi J. Radiologic Technology, May/June 2017; 88(5):472-480.
Vein Center
- Characteristics of First Vein Center Facilities Accredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC). Farrell MB, Hutchisson M, Henson L, Kabnick L, Meissner M. Journal of Vascular Surgery Venous and Lymphatic Disorders, 2017 Jan; 5(1):159-160. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvsv.2016.10.041.
- Management and Treatment Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Endovenous Ablation Are Significantly Different Between IAC-accredited and Non-accredited Vein Centers. Obi A, Afridi S, Lurie F. Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders, 2020.