The following abstracts have been published in multiple peer review journals:
All Divisions
Quality Improvement Tool
- Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC): A Mechanism to Assess and Improve Quality. Lally M, Farrell MB, Vermeiren F. ABMS 2018, not published.
- Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) QI Self-Assessment Tool Utilization Improves Accreditation Outcomes. Costello M, Farrell MB. J Nucl Med Technol. 2018. Accepted for Oral Presentation. 2018:46:155-217.
- Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) QI Self-Assessment Tool Utilization Improves Accreditation Outcomes. Hutchisson M, Farrell MB. Vascular Medicine, 2018; 23(3):298-323.
- Usefulness of the IAC Quality Improvement (QI) Self-assessment Tool at One Year. Lally M, Vermeiren F, Farrell M. ABMS 2017, not published
- Survey Evaluating the Usefulness of a Quality Improvement (QI) Self-Assessment Tool for the Evaluation of Diagnostic Imaging Case Studies and Reports. Vermerien F, Lally M, Lilly A. ABMS 2016, not published.
Vascular Testing
Vascular Delay Issues (2017):
- Characteristics and Accreditation Problems of Vascular Testing Facilities Applying for Accreditation by Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC). Vascular Medicine (Presented at 28th Annual Scientific Sessions), 2017;22(3):253-274. DOI:10-1177/1358863×17704159
- IAC Vascular Testing Accreditation Issues. Farrell MB, Hutchisson M, Vickery M. SVU 2017, not published.
TCD Facilities (2017):
- Characteristic of Ultrasound Laboratories that have Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Transcranial Doppler (TCD) Accreditation in the United States. Farrell MB, Ziu E, Cockroft KM, Choi JY. Journal of Neuroimaging (40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroimaging), 2017(2);27:262-267.
Value of Accreditation (2014):
- How Do Non-Invasive Imaging Facilities Perceive the Accreditation Process? Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Survey. Manning W, Farrell M, Bezold L, et al. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, April 2014;63(12_S):A1099.
- Accreditation is Perceived to Improve the Quality of Vascular Testing Facilities: Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Survey. Zhu L, Farrell M, Bezold L, Choi J, Cockroft K, Heller G, et al. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, April 2014;63(12_S): A2115.
Vascular Medicare Beneficiaries (2013):
- Accreditation Status and Geographical Location of Outpatient Vascular Testing Facilities Among Medicare Beneficiaries: The VALUE Study. Brown S, Wang K, Dong C, Farrell M, Heller G, Gornik H. Accepted AIUM 2014, not published.
- Accreditation Status of Outpatient Cerebrovascular Testing Facilities Among Medicare Beneficiaries: The VALUE (Vascular Accreditation, Location & Utilization Evaluation) Study. Brown SC, Wang K, Dong C, Farrell MB, Heller GV, Gornik HL, et al. Stroke, 2015;46(1_S):ATP274.
Vascular Diagnostic Criteria (2013):
- Support for Standardization of Duplex Ultrasound Diagnostic Criteria for Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis: A Survey from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC). Gornik H, Hutchisson M, Khan M, Benenati J, Jaff M, Katanick S, et al. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, March 2013; 61(10_S):E2020.
- Diagnostic Criteria for Ultrasound Diagnosis of Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis Vary Widely Among Accredited Vascular Laboratories. A Survey from the Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories (ICAVL). Gornik H, Hutchisson M, Khan M, Benenati J, Jaff M, Katanick S, et al. Circulation, March 2018;124(S_21):A8918.
Diagnostic Errors in TTE (2018):
- The Impact of IAC-ECHO Accreditation on Major Diagnostic Errors in Transthoracic Echocardiogram Interpretation. Yang J, Quinn G, Severdija O, Neisus U, Tsao C, Markson L, Manning W. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, June 2018;31:B90.
Historical Trends (2017):
- Historical Trends in IAC Echocardiography Accredited Laboratories. Farrell MB, Gorman B, Lopez L. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, June 2017;30(6):B1-B112.
Echo Accreditation Status (2016):
- Accreditation Status and Geographical Location of Outpatient ECHO Testing Facilities Among Medicare Beneficiaries: The VALUE-ECHO Study. Brown SC, Wang K, Dong C, Yi L, Marinovic Gutierrez C, Di Tullio M, Burgess P, et al. Submitted ACC 2017, not published.
Echo Equipment Age (2015):
- Increasing Equipment Vintage Predicts Poor Laboratory Quality and Delay in Accreditation: An Evaluation by IAC Echocardiography and Nuclear Accreditation Status. Malhotra S, Farrell MB, Katz WE, Soman P. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, March 2017;69(S_11):1588.
- Equipment Vintage Reflects a Commitment to Quality: Assessment from Institutions Applying for Both IAC Echocardiography and Nuclear/PET Accreditation. Malhotra S, Farrell MB, Soman P. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, September 2016; 23(4):899-937.
- Does Echo Equipment Vintage Reflect Commitment to Quality? Assessment by IAC Accreditation Status. Malhotra S, Katz WE, Soman P. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, April 2016;67(13):1706.
Echo Delay Project (2014):
- Predictors of Delayed Accreditation of Echocardiography Laboratories: A Report from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Database. Nageuh S, Farrell M, Dunsiger S, Gorman B, Tilkemeier P. Accepted ASE 2014. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2014;26:567-682.
Value of Accreditation (2014):
- Accreditation is Perceived to Improve Echocardiography Laboratory Quality: Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Survey. Cumbermack KM, Choi JY, Cockroft KM, Farrell Mb, Gornik HL, Heller GV, et al. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2014;27:B2-B121.
Echo Credentials (2014):
- Characteristics and Credentials of Echocardiography Laboratories in the United States: Insights from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission. Parker M, Sobieraj D, Farrell M, Coleman. Accepted ASE 2014. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2014;27(6):B2-B121.
- Credentials of Staff Performing Echocardiography in the United States: Insights from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission. Parker MW, Sobieraj D, Farrell MB, Coleman CI. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 2014;7(Suppl 1):A177-A177.
Nuclear Radiation Exposure (2016):
- Contemporary Patient Radiation Exposure from PET vs SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in the United States. Desiderio MC, Lundbye JB, Baker WL, Farrell BM, Heller G. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, March 2018; 71(11_S).
- Predictors of Low Patient Radiation Exposure from United States SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Laboratories. Desiderio MC, Lundbye JB, Baker WL, Farrell BM, Heller G. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, March 2018; 71(11_S).
- Temporal Trends Of Radiation Exposure In Cardiac Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion Imaging. Desiderio M, Lundbye J, Heller G, Baker W, Jerome S, Farrell M. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2018.
- Is There Regional Variability of Radiation Exposure Amongst Cardiac PET Laboratories in the United States? Desiderio MC, Lundbye JB, Saucier S, Farrell MB, Coleman CI, Baker WL. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2016; 23(4):908.
- What is the Reported Radiation Dosage or Cardiac PET Imaging in 119 Accredited Laboratories in the United States? Lundbye JB, Mesiderio M, Saucier S, Coleman CI, Baker WL. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2016; 23:921.
- Contemporary Patient Radiation Exposure for Cardiac SPECT and PET Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Laboratories: An IAC Database Study. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2016.
Gastric Emptying Protocols (2016):
- Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy Protocols: An Educational Guide to the Rationale for Standardization. Costello M, Farrell MB, Fig L. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, May 2016: 57(2_S);2630.
- Variability in Gastric Emptying Meals Used in Clinical Practice…Seriously? Farrell MB, Costello M, Fig L. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, May 2016: 57(2_S);2684.
- Poor Adherence to Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy Guidelines: A Report from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Fig L, Costello M, Farrell MB. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, May 2016: 57(2_S);643.
Nuclear Credentials (2015):
- Training and Continuing Education of Nuclear Cardiology Laboratory Staff: Insights from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Parker MW, Malhotra S, Sobieraj D, Mann A. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, August 2015; 22(4):748.
Downstream Testing (2015):
- Association of Nuclear Cardiology Laboratory Accreditation with Downstream Resource Utilization and Clinical Outcomes. Murthy VL, Lehrich J, Shah RV, et al. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2017; 24(4):1461.
Nuclear Report Deficiencies (2015):
- Improving Compliance With Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Reporting Standards: A Serial Comparison of 523 Labs Over Nine Years. Maddux PT, Farrell MB, Ewing JA, Tilkemeier PL. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC 2015 Abstracts), 2015; 22(4):760.
- Progress in Reporting: A Retrospective Analysis of Nuclear Cardiology Labs Applying for Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Accreditation Demonstrates Improved Compliance With Reporting Standards. Maddux PT, Farrell MB, Ewing JA, Tilkemeier PL. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC 2015 Abstracts), 2015; 22(4):760.
- Comparison of Reporting Deficiencies For Facilities With And Without Physicians Certified by the Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology (CBNC): A Report from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Database. Farrell MB, Maddux PT, Ewing JA, Tilkemeier PL. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC 2015 Abstracts), 2015; 22(4):760.
- Farrell MB, Costello M, Maddux PT, Ewing JA, Tilkemeier PL. Problems With Protocols: A Report from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC 2015 Abstracts), 2015; 22(4):760.
Value of Accreditation (2013):
- Nuclear Facility Perception of Accreditation. Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Survey. Farrell M, Bezold L, Choi J, Cockroft KM, Gornik HL, Jerome S, et al. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2014; 55(1_S):2501.
- How Do Nuclear and PET Facilities Perceive the Accreditation Process: Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Survey. Godiwala T, Farrell MB, Bezold L, Choi J, Cockroft K, Gornik H, et al. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC 2013 Abstracts), 2013; 20(40:657-97.
SNMMI Bone and PET Dose (2013):
- Survey of Radiopharmaceutical Dosing Strategies for Bone and PET Scans. Alessio A, Fahey F, Farrell MB. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 2013; 54(2_S):94.
Radiation Dose (2013):
- Recommended vs Observed Radiation Doses for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Results from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Farrell M, Jerome S, Shaw L, Tilkemeier P. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2014;21(4):1.
- Frequency of Use of >20 mSv for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging by Site Characteristics: Results from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission Database. Farrell M, Jerome S, Shaw L, Tilkemeier P. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 2014;21(4):800.
- Geographic Variation in Administered Radiation Dose for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging. Farrell M, Jerome S, Shaw L, Tilkemeier P. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, May 2014; 55(1_S):1735.
- Radiation Dosimetry for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Protocols in Current Practice: Mechanisms to Meet Exposure Limits. Farrell M, Jerome S, Shaw L, Tilkemeier P. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2014; 63(12_S).
Camera Age (2013):
- Correlates Between Camera Age, Patient Volume and Laboratory Accreditation: A Snapshot of Equipment Utilization in the Practice of Nuclear Cardiology in US. Patil H, Abdallah M, Bateman T. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, May 2013; 54(S_2):516
- Differences Between Nuclear Cardiology Labs Applying for Voluntary Versus Obligatory Accreditation: An Analysis Derived from the IAC Nuclear/PET Electronic Database. Patil HR, Abullah MS, Bateman TM. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC 2013 Abstracts), 2013; 20(4):664.
- Camera Age, Physician Readers, and Patient Volumes Among Accredited Imaging Labs: A Correlative Analysis Derived from the IAC Nuclear/PET Electronic Database. Patil, HR, Abdullah MS, Bateman TM. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC 2013 Abstracts), 2013; 20(4):662.
MRI Safety Survey (2018):
- A Survey of Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Accredited MRI Facility Safety Practices. Farrell MB, Mabry C, Merrill N, Lally M. Journal of Neuroimaging (2018 Annual Meeting Abstracts), 2018; 28:225-233.
Radiation Dose Survey (2017):
- Survey of Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Facilities to Access the Effect of Accreditation on CT Radiation Dose Awareness and Reduction. Farrell MB, Choi JY. Journal of Neuroimaging (2017 Annual Meeting Abstracts), 2017; 27:262-267.
Value of Accreditation (2013):
- How Do CT Facilities Perceive the Accreditation Process: Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Survey. Zhao A, Weisstuch M, Bezold L, Choi J, Cockroft K, Farrell M. Accepted ARS 2013, not published.
Vein Center
Vein Center Survey and Characteristics (2017):
- Patient Safety and Outcomes Issues Discovered during Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Site Visit. Humphries A, Hutchisson M, Farrell MB. Journal of Vascular Surgery, July 2018; 6(4):557-558.
- Characteristics of First Vein Center Facilities Accredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC). Hutchisson M, Henson L, Kabnick L, Meissner M. Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders, January 2017; 5(1):159-160.
- Initial Applications for Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Vein Center Accreditation: Reasons for Delay. Hutchisson M, Farrell MB, Henson L, Kabnick L, Meissner M, Ellen Dillavou E. Presented at International Vein Congress 2017, not published.
- Facility Perception of Vein Center Facility Accreditation: Results of an Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Survey. Farrell MB, Hutchisson M, Henson L, Kabnick L, Dillavou E. Presented at Venous Symposium 2017, not published
- An Early Look at Improved Quality in Vein Centers Applying for IAC Reaccreditation. Farrell, MB, Hutchisson, M, Henson, L, Khilnani, NM. Phlebology (ACP 31st ANnual Congress Abstracts), December 2017; 32(2_S):3-63.
Carotid Stenting
CSF Surveys (2018):
- Improved Quality at Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Carotid Stenting Facilities. Farrell MB, Lally M, Merrill N, Katzen B, Sacks D. Journal of Neuroimaging (2018 ASN Annual Meeting Abstracts), March 2018; 28:225-233.
- A Snapshot of Carotid Artery Stenting Current Practice: Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Accredited Facilities vs. Non-Accredited Facilities. Farrell M, Merrill N, Lally M, Katzen B, Sacks B. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, April 2018; 29(4):S36-S37.
- Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) Carotid Artery Facility Stenting Survey Results: Accreditation Improves Quality. Farrell MB, Lally M, Merrill N, Sacks D. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (ISET 2018 Abstracts), February 2018;29:e1-e26.