When Does Our Accreditation Expire?
- Locate your facility’s expiration date in your IAC Online Accreditation account. Click on the Applications tab, then click the calendar icon under History.
- The application should be submitted three months prior to expiration to avoid a lapse in accreditation.
- Failure to achieve reaccreditation will result in removal of your facility’s information from the IAC Accredited Facility Locator, discontinuation of information sharing with insurers and authorization to promote your facility as IAC-accredited, including use of the IAC Seal of Accreditation.

Create A New Application & Review Program Requirements
- Access the Applications tab in your IAC Online Accreditation account to start your facility’s Reaccredit App by clicking on the Load Reaccredit Application icon. Using this feature will auto-fill a portion of your previous application data into your reaccredit application.
- The majority of IAC communications are sent electronically. Please ensure your facility and staff contact information is up-to-date, especially staff e-mail addresses.
- For a full list of what is required to submit, review the Accreditation Checklist for your applicable accreditation program.

Tools to Help You Along Your Reaccreditation Journey!
- IAC offers a variety of resources to help your facility reaccreditation.
- Live accreditation webinar presentations and on demand webcasts are available and offer CE credit!
- Tools to help you through the process including a Sample & Guidance Document Repository, IAC Quality Improvement (QI) Self-Assessment Tool and CME Finder.

We're Here to Help!
- IAC clinical staff is here to help guide your facility through the reaccreditation process.
- We are available via phone, e-mail or live chat (accessed in the Online Accreditation portal) from 8:30AM-5PM EST Monday-Friday.