Reporting a Complaint

Reporting a Complaint Against an IAC-Accredited Facility

What Complaints the IAC Investigates

The IAC investigates complaints that identify specific noncompliance to the IAC Division Standards and/or the IAC Accreditation Program Policies and Procedures. Complaints may be lodged to include but are not limited to the following:

  1. IAC-accredited facilities demonstrating noncompliance to the Standards or Policies and Procedures.
  2. Non-accredited facilities misrepresenting themselves as accredited by the IAC.
  3. Other organizations/businesses inappropriately using the IAC or IAC division trade names or seals as endorsement of a product or service.

Complaints regarding personal disputes, billing and insurance issues or other criminal related activity should be reported to the appropriate local, state or federal authorities.

How to Report a Complaint to the IAC

Complaints against a facility must be reported using the IAC online form below. The IAC will consider anonymous complaints, however, requests that you identify yourself by name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. The IAC may contact complainants for additional information or clarification if necessary. Include as much detail and evidence as possible related to your compliant.

Submit a Complaint Against a Facility

Reporting a Complaint Against IAC

The IAC strives to provide the best possible solutions in all aspects of customer service and its accreditation process. If your experience has not met your expectations, the IAC internally investigates complaints and when applicable, will take the appropriate actions to rectify the issue or to prevent future occurrences.

Complaints against the IAC must be reported using the online form below. The IAC will acknowledge your complaint submission and contact the complainant as warranted. Specific actions taken upon receipt of the complaint will be communicated when appropriate, but does not guarantee the suggestions of the complainant. Include as much detail as possible in your complaint.

Submit a Complaint Against the IAC

After the Complaint is Filed

Once a complaint is filed it is reviewed and determined if action is required by the IAC. If the complaint is found to be relevant, the IAC will investigate in accordance to Section 12 of the IAC Accreditation Policies and Procedures.

Release of Information

The IAC does not release specific information regarding the investigation of complaints to parties who are not verified, authorized representatives of the facility.