Please review instructions and requirements below for multiple site facilities and how to add a site, testing area, unit, or radiology group to an existing diagnostic imaging (Vascular Testing, Echocardiography, Nuclear/PET, MRI and/or CT) accreditation.
Note: Any of the changes below completed during the three-year cycle will expire on the facility’s original expiration date. For example, if the facility’s original application was submitted January 1, 2023 it will expire on January 31, 2026. If the facility submits any application below for a new site, testing area or radiology group on January 1, 2024 it too will expire on January 31, 2026.
Adding a New Site to an Existing IAC Accreditation
Multiple Site/Additional Site Pricing (Effective January 1, 2024)
- $1,460 … per site for sites 2-3
- $1,195 … per site for sites 4-10 (20% discount)
- $965 … per site for each site over 10
Facilities with more than 25 sites, please e-mail Frank Vermeiren for additional information regarding multiple site pricing options.
- Under the Main tab of your IAC Online Accreditation account, scroll down and select Yes to the question regarding adding a multiple site application.
- Facilities must then enter the information for any new locations on the Manage Sites tab.
- If there are any medical or technical staff at the new site that were not included as part of the original application, the Manage Staff tab must be updated to reflect all current staff members.
- If there is any equipment at the new site that was not included as part of the original application, the Manage Equipment tab must be updated to reflect all current equipment used at all applicant sites.
- Once the above information has been updated, go to the Applications tab and click on the
icon under Available Actions next to the granted application to start the add-on application. A series of qualifying questions that ensure the eligibility of the facility to apply as a multiple site must be answered before adding the new locations.
- Please Note: The accreditation decision will be made for each site individually. All correspondence will go through the primary site address listed on the IAC Accreditation Agreement. Sites are not considered accredited until the documents and images have been reviewed, applicable fees have been submitted, and accreditation has been granted for the added site(s).
Adding a Testing or Procedural Area to an Existing IAC Accreditation:
Additional testing or procedural area(s) may be added to a facility’s current accreditation at any time during the three-year accreditation cycle. Accreditation is granted only for the specific areas for which a facility has submitted an application.
- Update the Main tab of your IAC Online Accreditation account to reflect the testing or procedural area(s) being added.
- If there is any equipment that was not included as part of the original application, the Manage Equipment tab must be updated to reflect all current equipment used at all applicant sites.
- Once the above information has been updated, go to the Applications tab and click on the
icon under Available Actions next to the granted application to start the add-on application.
Accredited Facilities Wanting to Add or Replace a Unit to an Existing IAC Accreditation:
- Update the Manage Equipment tab of your IAC Online Accreditation account to reflect all current equipment. Equipment being replaced must be deactivated and new equipment must be added as new. Do not edit active equipment.
- Once the above information has been updated, go to the Applications tab and click on the
icon under Available Actions next to the granted application to start the add-on application.
Accredited Facilities Wanting to Change a Radiology Group in an Existing IAC Accreditation:
If during the three-year accreditation cycle, the entire radiology group (inclusive of the Medical Director) performing interpretations for a facility is replaced by a new group, information must be submitted for the newly added physicians. Physicians that were not included in the application submission are not considered part of the accredited facility until experience and training information along with sample case study interpretations have undergone an IAC peer review. Accreditation is granted only for the facility and the physicians that have been reviewed by the IAC. A $400 fee will be assessed for changing a radiology group in your Online Accreditation account.
Accredited facilities wanting to change a radiology group must review the requirements in the link below and complete a brief application: