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The IAC Standards and Guidelines
for Vascular Testing Accreditation


Click here for a printer-friendly PDF of the Vascular Testing Standards

Part B:
Examinations and Procedures

Section 3B: Peripheral Arterial Testing

STANDARD – Indications


3.1B         Peripheral arterial testing must be performed for appropriate clinical indications.


3.1.1B         The indication for testing must be documented prior to performing the examination.


(See Guidelines below for further recommendations.)


STANDARD – Equipment


3.2B         Equipment must provide accurate data.


3.2.1B         Imaging Equipment – Duplex ultrasound with color flow Doppler, if used for testing, must be provided with:        imaging frequencies appropriate for the structures evaluated;        Doppler frequencies appropriate for the vessels evaluated;        range-gated spectral Doppler with the ability to adjust the depth and position of the range gate within the area of interest;        a Doppler angle which is measurable and adjustable;        a visual display and a permanent recording of the image; and        a visual display, an audible output, and a permanent recording of the Doppler waveform and corresponding image which includes the Doppler angle.


3.2.2B         Continuous wave (CW) and pulsed wave (PW) Doppler (if used for testing) must be provided with:        a direction sensitive Doppler blood flow meter;        Doppler transducer frequencies appropriate for the vessels evaluated, which must be at least 3 MHz or greater;        Doppler waveform display demonstrating bidirectional flow; and        an audible output and a permanent recording of the waveform.


3.2.3B         Segmental limb plethysmography, if used for testing, must be provided with:        equipment capable of measuring small segmental volume changes and providing permanent recordings; and        cuffs of varying sizes appropriate to the technique and the limb segment to be evaluated.


3.2.4B         Supplemental Equipment        Photoplethysmography (PPG), if used for testing, must be provided with:


i.            appropriate electrical coupling for signal display;

ii.          capability of providing a permanent recording of the waveform.        Limb air plethysmography (pulse volume recording-PVR ), if used for testing, must be provided with:


i.            appropriately sized pneumatic cuffs;

ii.          capability of being calibrated before each examination;

iii.         capability of measuring small limb volume changes;

iv.        capability of providing a permanent recording of the data.        Treadmill exercise/stress testing, if used for testing, must be provided with:


i.            motor-driven treadmill capable of providing constant speed and inclination.

Comment: Other forms of standardized exercise may be utilized as defined by the facility protocol.


Comment: If additional examinations are performed and additional testing equipment is utilized and is not listed here, a written protocol, diagnostic criteria and quality improvement methods must be in place and available for review upon request.


3.2.5B         Equipment Quality Control        Equipment used for diagnostic testing must be maintained in good operating condition.        Equipment maintenance must include, but is not necessarily limited to:


i.            recording of the method and frequency of maintenance of all imaging equipment and non-imaging equipment;

ii.          establishment of and adherence to a policy regarding routine safety inspections and testing of all facility electrical equipment;

iii.         establishment of and adherence to an equipment cleaning schedule that includes routine cleaning of equipment parts, including filters and transducers, according to specifications of the manufacturer.


(See Guidelines below for further recommendations.)


STANDARD – Protocols


3.3B         Each examination performed in the facility must have a written protocol. The protocol must include:


3.3.1B         the equipment to be used for each examination;


3.3.2B         the elements of proper technique (also see STANDARD – Techniques);


3.3.3B         anatomic extent that constitutes a complete examination includes evaluation of the entire course of the accessible portion of each vessel:        bilateral testing is considered a complete examination.        variations in technique following vascular intervention;        variations in technique and documentation for recurring limited examinations must be described.


3.3.4B         the performance of an ankle brachial index (ABI);


3.3.5B         the acquisition of waveforms (either CW, PW or PVR) from at least three levels;


3.3.6B         the measurement of systolic blood pressure at more than one level if indicated;


3.3.7B         documentation that must be acquired for normal examinations and the additional documentation that must be acquired to describe abnormalities, if present (also see STANDARD – Documentation); and


3.3.8B         a description of how color Doppler or other flow imaging modes (e.g., power Doppler) are used to supplement grayscale imaging, spectral Doppler and velocity measurements.


(See Guidelines below for further recommendations.)

STANDARD – Techniques


3.4B         Appropriate techniques must be used for the evaluation of the peripheral arterial system to assess for the presence of any abnormalities and to document their severity, location, extent and whenever possible etiology.


3.4.1B      Examinations must include:       Performance of an ABI.


i.      Measurement of upper extremity (brachial artery) systolic pressures must be obtained from both arms and the higher of the two pressures used to calculate the ABI.

ii.     Measurement of ankle systolic pressures must be obtained bilaterally from the distal posterior tibial (PT) artery and distal anterior tibial (AT)/dorsalis pedis (DP) artery and the higher of the two pressures on each side used to calculate the ABI.       Additional information regarding the presence of disease may be obtained by recording toe waveforms and toe systolic pressures, particularly in cases when the ABI may be non-diagnostic.


3.4.2B      Elements of proper technique include, but are not limited to:       performance of an examination according to the facility specific, written protocol;       proper patient positioning;       patient preparation;       appropriate equipment and transducer selection;       appropriate transducer positioning;       proper sample volume size and positioning;       optimization of equipment gain and display settings;       a spectral Doppler angle of 60 degrees or less with respect to the vessel wall and/or direction of blood flow when measuring velocities;       proper measurement of spectral velocities as required by the protocol;    identification of vessels by imaging and Doppler.

STANDARD – Documentation


3.5B     Each examination performed in the facility must provide documentation as required by the protocol that is sufficient to allow proper interpretation, including but not limited to: 


3.5.1B      Ankle brachial index (ABI):       Duplex ultrasound used to evaluate arteries and/or bypass grafts must include measurement and documentation of the ankle brachial indices that is generally performed at the time of the examination. Previous ABI measurements may only be used if:


i.               the ABI is performed within two weeks prior to the duplex examination;

ii.             was performed in the same facility;

iii.           there has been no change in the patient’s symptoms;

iv.           the results and date of the previous ABI must be included in the final report.       CW Doppler or PW Doppler or PVR waveforms.


3.5.2B      grayscale images;


3.5.3B      color Doppler images;


3.5.4B      Doppler waveforms;


3.5.5B      velocity measurements;


3.5.6B      other images if used and waveforms as required by the protocol;


3.5.7B      other measurements as required by the protocol.


3.6B     Abnormalities will require additional images and waveforms that demonstrate the severity, location, extent and whenever possible etiology of the abnormality present. 


3.6.1B      Areas of suspected stenosis or obstruction must include representative Doppler waveforms and velocity measurements recorded at and distal to the stenosis or obstruction.


3.7B       Peripheral Arterial Documentation


3.7.1B      Duplex ultrasound of lower extremity arteries (if performed) must include:       Long axis grayscale images and/or color Doppler images must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.        common femoral artery;

ii.       superficial femoral artery;

iii.      proximal deep femoral artery;

iv.      popliteal artery;

v.       aorta, common and external iliac arteries and tibial arteries (when appropriate);

vi.      bypass graft(s) when present including anastomoses.       Stent(s) when present, including proximal and distal ends.       Spectral Doppler waveforms and velocity measurements must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.          common femoral artery;

ii.         superficial femoral artery;

iii.        proximal deep femoral artery;

iv.        popliteal artery;

v.         tibial arteries;

vi.        aorta, common and external iliac arteries (when appropriate);

vii.       bypass graft when present, including proximal and distal anastomoses, inflow and outflow arteries.

viii.      stent(s) when present.

·            native artery at the proximal end of the stent;

·            proximal stent;

·            mid stent;

·            distal stent;

·            native artery at the distal end of the stent.       Abnormalities require additional images, waveforms and velocity measurements.


3.7.2B      Duplex ultrasound of upper extremity arteries (if performed) must include:       Long axis grayscale images and/or color Doppler images must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.            subclavian artery;

ii.           axillary artery;

iii.          brachial artery;

iv.          innominate and forearm arteries (when appropriate);

v.           bypass graft(s) when present including anastomoses;

vi           stent(s) when present, including proximal and distal ends.       Spectral Doppler waveforms and velocity measurements must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.          subclavian artery;

ii.         axillary artery;

iii.        brachial artery;

iv.        radial and ulnar arteries;

v.         innominate artery (when appropriate);

vi.        bypass graft when present, including proximal and distal anastomoses, inflow and outflow arteries.

viii.      stent(s) when present must include:

·            native artery at the proximal end of the stent;

·            proximal stent;

·            mid stent;

·            distal stent;

·            native artery at the distal end of the stent.       Abnormalities require additional images, waveforms and velocity measurements.


                      Comment: Long stents (e.g., femoral-to-popliteal covered stent graft) may require multiple mid stent images to localize stenosis when present.


                      Comment: Limitation of the study must be documented in the report.


3.8B       Non-imaging (physiologic) examinations (if performed) must include bilateral sampling from three or more levels. Only one type of waveform is required (CW Doppler or PW Doppler or PVR).


3.8.1B      Doppler waveforms (either CW or PW) must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:       common femoral artery;       popliteal artery;       distal tibial arteries at the level of the ankle.


3.8.2B      Plethysmographic waveforms must be documented from:       thigh;       calf;       ankle;       toe waveforms (if indicated);       toe systolic pressures (if indicated).


3.9B       Supplemental testing (if performed) may include:


Comment: Supplemental testing techniques are inadequate for use alone to diagnose and grade the severity of peripheral arterial disease.


3.9.1B      Photoplethysmography (if performed) must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:       documentation of the digital waveforms.


3.9.2B      Treadmill exercise/stress testing, if performed, must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:       pressures obtained at rest;       pressures obtained at timed intervals immediately after exercise;       for treadmill-based protocols, the time of onset of claudication and maximal walking time.


3.9.3B      Abdominal aorta examinations (if performed) must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


Comment: The facility can include abdominal aorta examinations as part of the peripheral arterial application only if the facility performs other peripheral arterial examinations. If the facility does not perform any other peripheral arterial examinations, abdominal aorta examinations can be included in the visceral vascular testing section.       Transverse view (defined as perpendicular to the long axis of the aorta) grayscale images with the single widest outer wall to outer wall diameter measurement must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.          proximal aorta;

ii.         mid aorta;

iii.        distal aorta;

iv.        common iliac arteries at the bifurcation.       Long axis grayscale images must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.          proximal aorta;

ii.         mid aorta;

iii.        distal aorta;

iv.        documentation of aneurysms (if present) must include the widest size of the aorta measured outer wall to outer wall;

v.         additional images proximal and distal to the aneurysm.       Spectral Doppler waveforms and velocity measurements must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.          aorta at/or proximal to the renal artery origins;

ii.         mid aorta;

iii.        distal aorta;

iv.        right common iliac artery;

v.         left common iliac artery.


(See Guidelines below for further recommendations.)       Abnormalities require additional images, waveforms and velocity measurements.














3.9.4B            Arteriovenous fistula (AVF)/dialysis access grafts, if performed, must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:             A description of the type of fistula or graft.             Long axis grayscale and/or color Doppler images must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.               inflow artery proximal to graft or fistula;

ii.             anastomotic site(s);

iii.           outflow vein;

iv.           axillary and subclavian veins (when appropriate).             Spectral Doppler waveforms and velocity measurements must be documented as required by the protocol and must include at a minimum:


i.               inflow artery;

ii.             proximal and distal anastomoses (graft);

iii.           anastomosis site (fistula);

iv.           outflow vein beyond anastomosis.            Blood flow volume must be documented from at least one site.             If evaluation includes provocative maneuvers for steal phenomenon, digital image documentation of findings with and without maneuvers.


Comment: Spectral Doppler imaging of the ipsilateral axillary and subclavian veins should be obtained to document proximal patency.             Abnormalities require additional images, waveforms and velocity measurements.

STANDARD – Procedure Volumes


3.10B     Records must be maintained that permit evaluation of annual procedure volumes. These records must include:


3.10.1B      indication for the examination;


3.10.2B      technologist performing the examination;


3.10.3B      examination(s) performed;


3.10.4B      examination findings;


3.10.5B      physician interpreting the examination.


(See Guidelines below for further recommendations.)


Section 3B: Peripheral Arterial Testing


3.1B                When available, appropriateness criteria published by medical professional organizations should be utilized.

Comment: An accepted indication is generally written by the referring health care provider. In some instances it can only be assessed at the time of the examination.         The cleaning schedule for each system will depend on the degree of use and should be frequent enough to allow for accurate collection of data.


3.3B                The protocol should include the indications for a limited examination and the descriptions of the limited examination. Separate limited examination protocols may also be written.         Color Doppler images may supplement grayscale imaging but does not substitute for it.


3.10B             The annual procedure volume should be sufficient to maintain proficiency in exam techniques and interpretation.


•        In general, a facility should perform a minimum of 100 complete examinations annually.